SBBN apoia o 38º Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Nuclear

A SBBN mais uma vez apoia o Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Nuclear. Neste ano, o 38º Congresso Brasileiro de Medicina Nuclear – CBMN tem como tema A Medicina Nuclear abraçando a evolução. O evento será realizado no Centro de Convenções Rebouças, em São Paulo – SP, de 13 a 15 de setembro de 2024.

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The Brazilian Society on Nuclear Biosciences (SBBN) have about 300 affiliates, among undergraduate and postgraduated students, researchers and professionals of public and private institutions develop research in the field of Biomedical Sciences, Biology, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Physics.

The SBBN main objectives are: (i) research in biological effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation for improving methodologies for patients imaging and treatment of several diseases and (ii) development of human capabilities in multidisciplinary teams.

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